Experiencing Bloating and Gas During Pregnancy?


Bloating means abdominal distension and is often seen in pregnancy. Gas is a frequent occurrence during pregnancy. In some cases, this gas is the bloating feeling which occurs in pregnant women. A normal person passes gas 18 times approximate in a day.

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When does gas bloating happen during pregnancy?

Gas and bloating are the most frequent and least charming pregnancy symptoms, which is first shown up around week 11 and likely lasting throughout your pregnancy up until the delivery day.

Cause for gas and pregnancy bloating

Progesterone is the hormone which is required for your healthy pregnancy and is the reason for your gas and bloating. It also triggers bloating, burping and passing gas. Progesterone causes the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract to relax and thus slows down the digestive system. This indeed gives the nutrient from the food you eat more time to enter your bloodstream and reach your baby.  But at the same, it can cause you to feel bloated and bring on a cramp or two.

Gas during pregnancy can also increase later in pregnancy when the enlarging uterus places pressure on your abdominal cavity. This pressure can also slow digestion allowing gas to build up.

What can be done to prevent gas and bloating?

Gas during pregnancy can’t be avoided completely but can be reduced. You need to identify the food which builds gas in your body. Increased gas is triggered by different foods for different people. So, start keeping a record of your diet. Foods that frequently create gas include beans, peas, and whole grains. There are other healthy foods that can be the cause of your gas.  These include broccoli, asparagus, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. There are certain steps which you can follow to reduce your gas and pregnancy bloating.

These are as follows

·       Avoid or reduce carbohydrate drinks

·       Avoid fatty fried foods

·       Drink from a glass without using a straw

·       Focus on smaller meals throughout the day

·       Exercise regularly as it will help stimulate digestion

·       Avoid tight clothing around your waist

·       Limit or avoid artificial sweeteners

·       Drink plenty of water, which will help prevent constipation

·       Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

Gas and bloating have nothing to do with your growing baby. Make sure you include all food rich in nutrients in your diet that is necessary for your baby. In case of any doubts or discomfort, it is always better to consult your doctor without delay.

Source: https://medium.com/@iasmedicaregurgaon/experiencing-bloating-and-gas-during-pregnancy-a1962f032e88


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